Luisa Russo vaas
Gecertificeerd gesigneerd kunstobject, twee geneste vazen van de kunstenares Luisa Russo. De vaas is puntgaaf, 25x25x25 cm groot.
Over de kunstenares:
For her, the work in its science analogies and correspondences not only stands on the threshold of the phenomenal world but also on a research approach, based and explained through its own properties and constituent elements.
While trying to carry out a research that is not just a sort of optical-visual game, where the dynamics of the construction of the work arouse a rational emotional participation of the viewer, the work is "form" that becomes "structure" - "content and container": their functioning leads to a process of transformation that does not necessarily lead to" different ", but to the mutations of the work in relation to the perception of it, even beyond its space, the space it occupies and the space it remains beyond the reach of perception.